Past Life Regression Therapy

" Allow yourself to see what you don’t allow yourself to see!"

      Welcome! The most transformative journey begins here!.

“People don’t see their past lives to change their past, but their future.”
Past Life Regression is a form of hypnotherapy which guides you back through time to your previous lives or incarnations by accessing memories and experiences that are hidden in your subconscious mind. Modern lifestyle is so busy and ‘noisy’ that these hidden memories get deeply buried beneath the noise of our daily thoughts. A PLR session guides you out of those noises, bringing you into a deep quiet and peaceful state where it becomes much easier to bring back the memories stored in your subconscious mind.

Try a PLR Therapy session to help you to : -

  • Reconnect with past life experiences
  • Understand why you feel a deep connection with certain places.
  • Explore your past and current Soulmate
  • Know if physical ailments you have, are may be remnants of past life experiences.
  • Explore unresolved emotions carried through into this lifetime
  • Cause of unknown fears or beliefs which you have been unable to explain
  • Acknowledge and embrace the major lessons learned through those lives
  • Reason for unresolved issues and karmic reasons for them
  • Know your life purpose

Each Session Includes :-

  • Counseling
  • PLR
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Combining various techniques (as per required)
  • Positive suggestions
  • Self practice exercises

Duration – 1 Hour /per session

Energy Exchange – 111$


Aanchal is a beautiful person with a heart of gold ! She connects to everybody deeply and serves from her heart . She truly cares for everyone she meets . Aanchal has taught me a lot of lessons and has given me Spirtual knowledge . She truly is my angel !She guided me on my Spirtual Journey to stand in my power and taught me how to use my Spirtual gifts . I use everything she has taught me in my daily life and I feel very happy and connected to my self. When I meet Aanchal Ifelt her authenticity and positive aura. She truly is a Divine Soul here on Earth .I am blessed to known her and Learn from her.

- Alka Vaswani (Texas, USA)