Sound Healing Therapy

" In sound we are born, in sound we are healed!"

      Welcome! on the path of the highest universal healing.

“The Healing Power of Sound has been a part of the ancient human civilizations for thousands of years. According to the Laws of Creation, we live in a Vibratory Universe. Everything we sense, feel, see and touch is pure Energy.
The basic principle of sound healing is the concept of resonance (the vibratory frequency of an object.) The entire existence, including human beings, is in a state of vibration. Every organ, cell, bone, tissue, and the electromagnetic fields around the body, has a healthy vibratory frequency. If we are not in-tune with a part of ourselves or our surroundings, we become unhealthy or sick because the frequency of our bodies are disturbed. Sound is measured in terms of Frequency or Hertz (Hz). In a sound healing session, the healing frequencies are given to the physical and subtle energy fields around the body. These therapeutic frequencies and sounds are delivered through guided meditations, Vedic chants, Tibetan singing bowls, healing music, tuning forks, and so on. Are you ready ? to be healed ? to attract Abundance and Perfect Health? Are you ready to release what does not serve you or uplift your life? Try working with the higher frequencies to help you create the life of your dreams. Come and experience the miraculous healing effect of sound yourself!

Experience a sound healing session and heal yourself. Added benefits of sound healing are : :-

  • Deep relaxation
  • Release stress
  • Healing many health issues
  • Cure insomnia
  • Cure depression
  • sadness
  • Emotional healing
  • Heal body pains
  • Create Good health
  • Body, mind, soul Balance
  • Body, mind, soul Balance
  • Spiritual healing

Each Session Includes :-

  • Aura Cleaning, Healing and Balancing
  • Sound Baths
  • Singing Bowl sound healing
  • Tuning Fork healing
  • Spiritual counseling
  • Remedial suggestions

Duration – 1 Hour /per session

Energy Exchange – 111$


Thank you so much for the wonderful reading!
Especially calling my attention to my lower chakra needing more balance!
Things that had been a little murky became crystal clear as we talked.
That night after the reading... I received the greatest revelation from spirit that I have ever received in my spiritual journey. Much love and appreciation.

- Rebecca Marina (USA)