Our Client Reviews


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WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.08.16
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WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.11.30
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WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.05.52
WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.08.42
WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.10.19
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WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.06.42
WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.09.07
WhatsApp Image 2021-12-10 at 08.10.48

Our Client Testimonials

Catia Hernandez Holm
Author, The Courage to Become and TEDx Speaker.

Working with Aanchal is a dream. I wasn’t quite sure what to except. But she was a pro! She listened to me, connected with me and guided me. She not only answered questions but gave me tools to help me on my Journey of self-discovery and To help me clarify and accomplish career goals. Weeks later, I’m still putting her guidance to into practice. Loved it!!


- Catia Holm | Author, TEDx Speaker, Coach

Rebecca Marina (California, USA)
Thank you so much for the wonderful reading!
Especially calling my attention to my lower chakra needing more balance!
Things that had been a little murky became crystal clear as we talked.
That night after the reading... I received the greatest revelation from spirit that I have ever received in my spiritual journey.
Much love and appreciation.
- Rebecca Marina (USA) | Therapist, Coach
Alka Vaswani (Texas, USA)
Life Coach

Aanchal is a beautiful person with a heart of gold ! She connects to everybody deeply and serves from her heart . She truly cares for everyone she meets . Aanchal has taught me a lot of lessons and has given me Spirtual knowledge . She truly is my angel !She guided me on my Spirtual Journey to stand in my power and taught me how to use my Spirtual gifts . I use everything she has taught me in my daily life and I feel very happy and connected to my self. When I meet Aanchal Ifelt her authenticity and positive aura. She truly is a Divine Soul here on Earth .I am blessed to known her and Learn from her. 



- Alka Vaswani (USA) | Life Coach

Christina Jones (Colorado, USA)
Business Coach, Healer
Aanchal’s spiritual guidance is a required if you ready to step into & be your life’s mission. She is loving& safe channel of the light of the divine Creator.
- Christina Jones (Colorado, USA) | 7th Generation healer/ coach