Ready for Level 2: Reiki ?

Ready for Level 2: Reiki

Are you done with Reiki level 1? Have you invested a little time in the 21-day practice session post Reiki Level 1?

You are now ready for Reiki Level 2 blessings.

What is Level 2 about?

Reiki Level 1 was all about self-healing and healing others through touch.

Reiki Level 2 is the next step in experiencing the miracles of healing when you learn to actively apply the techniques on your near and dear ones when needed.

This level equips the student with skills to practice reiki on others from distance, even thousands of kilometres away. Students can now also work on energy channels more deeply and effectively. 

This level introduces the student to sacred Reiki symbols. Well, you will have to do the level to know more about them.

These symbols, once learned, are used to embrace the universal energy life into everyday routines. In addition, it helps reach the receiver over long distances.

This level is usually taught in 2 to 3 days, depending on how the Reiki master structures it.

Benefits of Level 2

Once you have learnt Reiki level 2, you will be able to:

  • Heal others
  • Heal over long distances
  • Cleanse your environment through the energy of symbols
  • Clear negative energy with the energy of symbols
  • Giving energy to your dreams
  • Bringing peace and harmony in relationships
  • Heal your past karmic baggage
  • Heal future 
  • Heal addictions

And a lot more.

Reiki master’s usually advice a gap of 3-6 month minimum between level 2 and the master level of Reiki. That gives you a lot of time to practice and master level 2.

However, to master something, you need to invest time and energy in it. Rise your light is you partner in this journey and is here to get you started on your level 2 journey.

Let’s get started and keep moving forward on the divine path we have chosen!