
Welcome! The most transformative journey begins here!

“People don’t come to therapy to change their past, but their future.”
Hypnotherapy is a type of adjunctive technique which uses hypnosis to help in the treatment of various symptoms or conditions. During a hypnotherapy session, you will go through a process that induces a trance-like state which helps to focus the mind, respond quicker to suggestions, and become deeply relaxed. Hypnotherapy uses the deep and elevated awareness of the hypnotic state to help you focus on a problem much more deeply and brings permanent solutions.

"Universe is always sending us messages, We just have to stop and listen!"

Try a Therapy session to transform and heal :-

  • Bad Habits
  • Old Patterns
  • Emotional Blocks
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Self Confidence
  • Metal Blocks
  • Repeated life patterns
  • Weight Loss
  • Love life
  • Relationships
  • Career
  • Business
  • Physicals pains
  • Money matters

Each Session Includes :-

  • Counseling 
  • Deep analysis of the root cause
  • Hypnotherapy
  • Positive suggestions
  • Self practice exercises

Duration – 1 Hour per session

Energy Exchange – 111$


Aanchal’s intuition is truly a gift. The things she knew without knowing me were beyond this time and space. She brings clarity where there is confusion, a sense of hope where there’s uncertainty, and balance where there’s a feeling of instability. I left our session feeling fulfilled and empowered.

- Akwete Noble(Houston, USA)