Learn Dowsing

The method of discovering, clearing and healing of negative energy with a pendulum or a rod is called dowsing, divining or radiesthesia. Users of dowsing methods are called dowsers or often diviners. Dowsing can be done with pendulums or rods to provide right guidance in any area of your life. It is also used to scan energies of different places, people, objects, etc.

Dowsing Course-1

Dowsing - Level 1 - (Pendulum Dowsing)

Duration - 1 week (3 hours - 1.5 hrs x 2)
Class - Twice a week, Online Live Session
Energy Exchange - 200 $ (Small Group of 3-5 students)

  • Introduction to Dowsing
  • How pendulum works
  • Connecting with the pendulum
  • How to use a pendulum for choosing
  • Pendulum basic charts
  • Pendulum advanced charts
  • Finding answers with pendulum

Dowsing Course-2

Dowsing - Level 2 - (Advance Dowsing)

Duration - 1 month (6 hours - 1.5 hrs x 4)
Class - Once a week, Online Live Session
Energy Exchange - 800 $ (Small Group of 3-5 students)

  • Using Pendulum for healing
  • Using spiral rod for answers
  • Finding ailments in the body through dowsing
  • History of Dowsing
  • Using L rods
  • Finding lost objects
  • Finding water
  • Finding house defects
  • Checking Auras
  • Measuring Auras
  • Measuring Energy levels
  • Finding answers for everything
  • Making the right choices
  • Choosing the right life partner, business, job, house, etc.