Learn Angel Therapy

Angels are uplifted, otherworldly, ascended souls that aren’t human or animal. Their sole purpose is to help humans, the earthly beings and earth-grounded souls, to complete our missions – much like a psychic reader would provide a soul reading, to help your soul heal past wounds and traumatic events. Once you have the angelic connection with your guardian angels or other angels, you can ask an angel for healing or other type of help, the angel will come to your aid. Since angels are non-human, and exist on a higher plane of existence, they never judge and will always help. Do you want to learn to connect with with?

Angel Therapy Course-1


Angel Therapy Level-1

Duration - 1 month (6 hours - 1.5 hrs x 4)
Class - Once a week, Online Live Session
Energy Exchange - 500 $ (Small Group of 3-5 students)

  • What are Angels?
  • The purpose of angels
  • Energetic grid of the Earth
  • 9 Choirs of the Angels
  • Guardian Angels
  • 4 Watchtower angels - 4 Elements
  • 7 archangels
  • Angels & Crystals
  • How to call & connect with angels
  • How to see, feel & talk to angels
  • How to receive guidance from angels
  • Healings with angels
  • Angel Protections
  • Healing friends & family
  • Angel Meditations & E-book

Angel Therapy Course-2


Angel Therapy - Level 2

Duration - 1 month (6 hours - 1.5 hrs x 4)
Class - Once a week, Online Live Session
Energy Exchange - 500 $ (Small Group of 3-5 students)
Eligibility - Reiki Level 1 and 2, Angel therapy 1

  • 15 Archangels
  • Angel healing symbols
  • Angel healing attunement/initiation
  • Merging angel healing with crystals
  • Crystal healing basics
  • Conduct an Angel Healing Therapy sessions
  • How to Teach Angel therapy
  • Angel Meditations


Benefits of Angel healing

  • Brings clarity of thought
  • Brings spiritual guidance
  • Improves mental and emotional health.
  • Brings inner joy and happiness.
  • Accelerates the body's self-healing capability.
  • Helps in healing injuries and chronic health conditions.
  • Improves self-confidence and self-worth.
  • Helps in healing childhood traumas and issues.
  • Improves family relationships.
  • Improves memory and focus in work.
  • It helps in goal manifestation.
  • Heals past life issues.
  • Aids better sleep.
  • Removes energy blockages and brings the body into balance and harmony.
  • Raises the vibration of the body.
  • Helps in the spiritual growth.
  • Increases vitality.