About Us

We are here to create magic in your lives!  Let your energies reach your highest Potential!”


RISE YOUR LIGHT is an organization with a mission to help people to rise their energies and align themselves with the highest universal path.

It offers various spiritual services, workshops , and courses with the intention to spread spirituality to each house into this world.

So, every one can live fearlessly and have the right tools to heal their lives with this abundant universal energy.

We at RISE, are here to support you and bring absolute clarity in all areas of your life. Are you ready to uplift your Love Life? Success? Job? Business? Marriage?Health? Romance? Make right choices? Any present situation?


Know about your future? Tell us, where are you on your journey? We are here to serve you.

Meet our Founder

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“If you want to know the key to happiness, learn the art of oneness !” – Aanchal Jain

Rise your light was founded by Aanchal Jain in 2017. She is a Reiki Grand Master, psychic tarot card reader, spiritual counselor, hypnotherapist, energy manifestation coach, and an author.

She has been conducting various workshops all over the world and has successfully trained 1000+ individuals, professionals, and business owners across the globe.

Her mission is to awaken the natural healer in millions of people, help them manifest their dreams, and make life a celebration.

She was a psychic since childhood, but, started her spiritual journey 10 yrs ago.

She began her career in arts and design in 2007. She was a very successful fashion designer when spirituality touched her life. The spiritual path began to answer her major life questions in such a transformational way that she couldn’t look back after that. She has always been a seeker of truth, knowledge ,and wisdom.

Aanchal says “Everything I ever learned on my spiritual path, was to answer my own questions about life. I never thought and intended to turn my spiritual work into my profession. I feel I didn’t choose it, God chose it for me ,and, today I feel so grateful that he did.”

She believes spirituality is not a choice, but, the only right path to walk on. Being spiritual is the best way to experience life because it brings us closer to our truth. Her mission is to help people to evolve to their highest potential so that they can also experience spiritual bliss.


Catia Hernandez Holm
Author, The Courage to Become and TEDx Speaker.

Working with Aanchal is a dream. I wasn’t quite sure what to except. But she was a pro! She listened to me, connected with me and guided me. She not only answered questions but gave me tools to help me on my Journey of self-discovery and To help me clarify and accomplish career goals. Weeks later, I’m still putting her guidance to into practice. Loved it!!

- Catia Holm | Author, TEDx Speaker, Coach

Rebecca Marina (California, USA)
Thank you so much for the wonderful reading!
Especially calling my attention to my lower chakra needing more balance!
Things that had been a little murky became crystal clear as we talked.
That night after the reading... I received the greatest revelation from spirit that I have ever received in my spiritual journey.
Much love and appreciation.
- Rebecca Marina (USA) | Therapist, Coach
Alka Vaswani (Texas, USA)
Life Coach

Aanchal is a beautiful person with a heart of gold ! She connects to everybody deeply and serves from her heart . She truly cares for everyone she meets . Aanchal has taught me a lot of lessons and has given me Spirtual knowledge . She truly is my angel !She guided me on my Spirtual Journey to stand in my power and taught me how to use my Spirtual gifts . I use everything she has taught me in my daily life and I feel very happy and connected to my self. When I meet Aanchal Ifelt her authenticity and positive aura. She truly is a Divine Soul here on Earth .I am blessed to known her and Learn from her. 



- Alka Vaswani (USA) | Life Coach

Christina Jones (Colorado, USA)
Business Coach, Healer
Aanchal’s spiritual guidance is a required if you ready to step into & be your life’s mission. She is loving& safe channel of the light of the divine Creator.
- Christina Jones (Colorado, USA) | 7th Generation healer/ coach