Learn Crystal Therapy

Crystal healing is an alternative medicine technique that is supposed to tap into natural healing energy. Crystals are a magical gift of mother nature and connecting with them is a beautiful and transformational experience. Do you want to learn more about crystal? Do you want to learn to connect with the healing magic of crystals?

Crystal Therapy Course-1


Crystal Therapy - Level 1 - Beginners

Duration - 1 month (6 hours - 1.5 hrs x 4)
Class - Once a week, Online Live Session
Energy Exchange - 500 $ (Small Group of 3-5 students)

  • Introduction to crystals
  • What is crystal healing?
  • How crystals form
  • Crystal history
  • How crystal healing works
  • Using crystals for personal healing
  • Benefits of crystal healing
  • Messages from water
  • Choosing the right crystals
  • Chakras and crystals - basics
  • 8 Types of crystal formations
  • 9 Types of crystal makings
  • Power of intention
  • Cleaning crystals
  • Programming crystals
  • Storing crystals
  • 15 important crystals
  • Crystal meditation

Crystal Therapy Course-2


Crystal Therapy - Level 2 - Advance to Expert

Duration - 1 month (6 hours - 1.5 hrs x 4)
Class - Once a week, Online Live Session
Energy Exchange - 500 $ (Small Group of 3-5 students

  • Advance crystal healing
  • Preparing crystal elixir
  • Chakras and crystals - Detailed
  • Whole-body healing with crystals
  • Introduction to 50 new crystals
  • Combination of crystals to heal various issues like relationship, wealth, health, specific issues, finance, protection, stress.
  • Crystals for kids
  • Healing friends and family with crystals
  • Goal manifestation with crystals
  • Introduction to Crystal Grids
  • Grid Symbols
  • Making crystal grids for various purposes
  • Grids for love
  • Grids for health
  • Grids for family
  • Grids for wealth and success
  • Combining crystals with other healing modalities
  • Conducting a crystal healing session
  • Advance crystal meditation